Opportunities to serve at St. Pius V
St. Pius V invites everyone to serve in our parish community. Many ministries offer opportunities to serve others.
- Serve in our secondhand store, 1854 S. Ashland, Monday through Friday from 10:00am to 5:00pm. Help sort clothing and serve customers.
- Serve in our food pantry (Tuesdays from 2:00 to 5:00pm) making bags of food for families in need.
- Serve in our soup kitchen preparing and serving food and cleaning up afterwards on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays from 10:00am to 1:30pm.
- Serve as a catechist or catechist helper on Sundays to help form our children and youth learn about their faith.
- Help one person with disabilities learn about the faith by serving in SPRED.
- Serve as a minister in one of the Masses, either as a lector, commentator, usher, greeter or minister of communion.
- Sing or play an instrument in the choir for one or more Masses on Sundays.
- Serve by helping in our parish office by doing data entry, filing, or helping with mailings.
To volunteer or learn more about serving at St. Pius V, contact the parish office at 312-226-6161.
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