[To enroll in any of these programs please visit the parish office at 1919 S. Ashland. For more information please call the parish office at 312-226-6161.]
Religious Education and Sacraments
Children from 1st through 12th-grade may enroll in catechetical programs for the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Communion, and Confirmation.
The programs begin in September and registration takes place now, in June and July, in the parish office. Students who transfer from other programs are welcome at St. Pius V when they bring a letter of transfer from their previous program. Call 312-226-6161 for more information.
Special Religious Education
Religious education for children and adults with disabilities is offered at St. Pius V. Groups meet on weekends at the parish and have several special events throughout the year including the celebration of sacraments in May.
Confirmation for Youth
Young people between the ages of 13 to 17 are eligible for the Confirmation program. Enrollment for the program takes place now, in the months of June and July. Confirmation is now a 2-year program at our parish and includes the involvement of parents.
Adult (age 18 and over) Preparation for the Sacraments
Adults who have not received the sacraments of Baptism, Communion, Confirmation, or Reconciliation are welcome to complete their sacramental preparation or to seek full communion with the Catholic Church through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Classes are held on Sundays starting in the fall. Reception of the sacraments takes place at the Easter Vigil (Holy Saturday night).
Girls or boys who want to publicly affirm their growing maturity with a quinceaños celebration at St. Pius V need to register with the parish six months before their 15th birthday and are required to participate in preparatory classes.
Sacramental marriage in the Catholic church requires thoughtful and prayerful preparation. Call the parish office 6-8 months prior to your wedding date to register for instructions and preparations.
[To enroll in any of these programs please visit the parish office at 1919 S. Ashland. For more information please call the parish office at 312-226-6161.]
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