Join us for our annual fall banquet on October 15, 2022!

[Para la versión en español, haga clic aquí]

Un Nuevo Amanecer is our annual parish banquet in support of our mission to evangelize, educate, and empower our community.

This is our primary fundraising event of the year and your support makes a difference in the life and work of our parish!

This year, we will have La Sonora Dinamita de Colombia providing live music for the dance!

This year’s Un Nuevo Amanecer banquet will take place on Saturday, October 15, 2022 beginning at 5:30 pm.


Tickets will be available for a donation of $85 per person. To get your tickets, please contact the parish office.


Sponsors have a major impact on the success of the parish banquet and receive recognition and reservations at the event. For more information on sponsorships please call the parish office at 312.226.6161.

Program Book Ads

Ads in the program book are a wonderful way for you to promote your business, honor someone, or remember a loved one who passed away. To get more information or to reserve your space in the ad book please call the parish office.

All of us as a community of faith can make this banquet a great success and support for St. Pius V parish!

Formación en la fe en San Pío V / Faith formation at St. Pius V

Regístrese ahora para formación en la fe en San Pío V

La inscripción está abierta de julio hasta agosto para los programas de formación en la fe en la parroquia de San Pío V.

Tenemos preparación para los sacramentos y formación y crecimiento en la fe para niños, jóvenes, adultos (RICA) y personas con discapacidades del desarrollo (SPRED).

Para registrarse, llame a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita: 312-226-6161.

Register Now for Faith Formation at St. Pius V

Registration is open now through August for faith formation programs at St. Pius V Parish.

We have formation for sacrament preparation and growth in the faith for children, youth, adults (RCIA), and persons with developmental disabilities (SPRED).

Call the parish office to make an appointment to register: 312-226-6161.

Misa en la calle / Mass in the Street 2022

¡Ya comenzaron las misas en la calle! Véngase a celebrar la misa con sus vecinos en la comunidad y con sus amigos de San Pío V.

Las próximas misas en la calle son:

Viernes, julio 15—1657 West 21st Place
Coordinadora: María (Reyes) Díaz

Viernes, julio 22—1614 West Cullerton Avenue
Coordinadora: Clemencia Calderón

Viernes, julio 29—1803 West 17th Street
Coordinadora: Lupe Ballesteros

Viernes, agosto 5—2238 West 21st Place
Coordinadora: Erika Gamino

Viernes, agosto 12—1711 West 21st Street
Coordinadora: Vicky Chávez

Viernes, agosto 19—1815 S. Paulina, Zócalo de San Vito
(La misa del cluster de Pilsen)

Coordinadores: Alma Silva / P. Brendan
Todas las misas comienzan con bendición de las casas a las 6:15 pm y luego misa.

Todos están invitados!


La Kermes y Rifa 2022 de San Pío V / St. Pius V 2022 Kermes and Raffle

La Kermes, the street festival of St. Pius V parish, will take place Saturday and Sunday, June 25-26, 2022.

As part of the Kermes and in support of the mission of St. Pius V parish, we announce the 2022 Cash Raffle!

Raffle tickets may be purchased for $5 each in the parish office or from a parishioner. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate in the raffle.

This year’s prizes:

  • First Prize: $10,000
  • Second Prize: $3,000
  • Third Prize: Travel Voucher and $500 spending money
  • Fourth Prize: Weber Grill

The winning tickets will be drawn on Sunday, June 26, 2022 at 9:30 pm at the conclusion of the Kermes!

For complete rules and regulations related to the raffle please visit

Música en la Kermes

  • Sábado: Música de DJ with special guest House Music DJ Chris Lara
  • Domingo de Bandas: Los Nicos, Grupo Ansiedad, y Grupo Love Secreto