Update on public health and safety measures for St. Pius V parish

(Deslice para abajo para la versión en español)

In accordance with the Archdiocese of Chicago and the City of Chicago, we are lifting many of the public health restrictions at St. Pius V parish.

We will no longer require registration for participation in Sunday Mass or other sacraments and celebrations in the church.

The pastor has asked that everyone continue to wear a mask at Sunday Mass.

Hand washing and hand sanitizing are strongly encouraged for everyone but will no longer be administered by the volunteers.

Volunteers will no longer be directing people to their seats but we encourage everyone to maintain physical distancing as much as possible (we still have many unvaccinated people, especially young children, in our community).

We strongly encourage everyone who is 12 years of age and older to get vaccinated!

Thank you for respecting the health needs of EVERYONE in the community, including those who may be immunocompromised or have some other medical condition that requires extra precautions.

De acuerdo con la Arquidiócesis de Chicago y la Ciudad de Chicago, estamos reduciendo muchas de las restricciones de salud pública en la parroquia de San Pio V.

Ya no se requiere registrarse para asistir en la misa dominical o en otros sacramentos y celebraciones en la iglesia.

El párroco pide que todos los que asistan a la misa dominical sigan usando mascarilla.

Se recomienda a todos que se laven y desinfecten las manos, pero los voluntarios ya no lo administrarán.

Los voluntarios ya no dirigirán a las personas a sus asientos, pero alentamos a todos a mantener el distanciamiento físico tanto como sea posible (todavía tenemos muchas personas no vacunadas, especialmente niños pequeños, en nuestra comunidad.

¡Recomendamos encarecidamente a todas las personas mayores de 12 años que se vacunen!