Get help filing your income taxes

Many are preparing to file their income taxes. We must do it before April 15. Why is it important that you pay income taxes even if you are undocumented?

  1.  It helps document your presence in the U.S. and demonstrate your support for the U.S.
  2. It’s a way to show good faith in respecting laws and contributing which is required for future legalization.

Danger of abuse

Many people and agencies take advantage of uninformed persons filing their taxes. Some charge exorbitant amounts for their services and don’t even do them well. Thus it is important to be informed and seek services from honest agents.

Free service for low income people

Persons with annual incomes of less than $25,000 and families with less than $50,000 per year qualify for free assistance with filing their taxes. The Center for Economic Progress offers the services in different locations; the one closest to St. Pius V is at El Instituto de Progreso Latino, 2570 S. Blue Island. To learn about other sites call 312-252-0280 or visit the website of the Center for Economic Progress. If your income is low, you may qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit.

For individuals & families with higher income

A St. Pius V parishioner offers assistance for less than $70 if the taxes are not complicated. He will donate a portion of your fee to St. Pius V. Call Julio Fajardo for an appointment at 773-940-0217 or 773-615-5820 or visit his office at 2002 W. Cermak Rd. and tell him you are from St. Pius V. No one should be paying hundreds of dollars for service.

What you should not do!

  • Lie on your returns.
  • Lend your children’s names for another person to put on their tax filing. This is a serious federal fraud.
  • Include income or expenses which you cannot document with receipts.
  • Claim minor dependents who live in Mexico, unless you can document you support them 50%.
  • Use name or social security of another person, which could be a crime of identity theft.
  • Permit an agent to add income or expenses that you cannot document legally.
  • Believe an agent who offers to give you your tax reimbursement sooner than the government.

You can claim your children up to 24 years old if they are studying full time. You can claim minors in Mexico, like grandchildren, nieces, cousins, if you can prove you maintain them 50%.

Youth in Action

Greetings to All,

In the midst of one of the coldest, snowiest Chicago winters on record, I’m pleased to make an announcement that will warm your hearts: St. Pius V has a new young adult group called Jóvenes en Acción por un Mundo Mejor, or, Youth in Action for a Better World.

A core-group of young people from the parish have been trained for leadership through the Group Leadership Training program sponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago.

These enthusiastic young people are beginning their ministry to the parish by offering two events that should be of interest to their peers and to families in the parish.

They have planned a free movie night on February 21, 2014, in the church hall. This is a great family event and the movie looks like a lot of fun! Check it out! Inexpensive snacks will be available and there is also a raffle for a Play Station 3 and other prizes. You can find more details here.

The next event is an overnight retreat for young adults scheduled for March 1-2, 2014. Details on that will follow soon, so watch for them!

I’m proud of our parish young people and encourage you to support them in their new ministry to our parish!

Family Night

The Religious Education program invites everyone to join the fun at Family Night, 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday, February 8 in the church hall. There will be food, music, and games for children. Please join us!

For more information call Marquito at 312.226.6161. ext. 225.


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Illinois’ minimum wage workers

Wednesday we hosted a news conference at St. Pius V to draw attention to the need for better wages for Illinois workers. Governor Quinn was with us, and he called for a new minimum wage of $10.00. Currently a full-time minimum wage worker in Illinois makes around $16,600 annually, which is below the Federal Poverty Threshold of $17,916 for a family of three.

Along with Pope Francis, I’d like to ask how we can allow this to be. Continue reading

Seeking Posada:

Dear Friends and Families of St. Pius V,

For the families at St. Pius V, Christmas isn’t Christmas without Posadas, an old Mexican tradition that reenacts the drama of that first Christmas Eve. That night Mary and Joseph found themselves homeless in a strange city. Finally a door is opened for them in a humble stable, where they welcome their child into the world. This year our Christian base communities again organize the evening Posada in our church: processing together, praying the rosary, reflecting on the nativity story, and finally sharing Christmas sweets and the delight of breaking the treat-filled piñatas. Continue reading