Family Night

The Religious Education program invites everyone to join the fun at Family Night, 3:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Saturday, February 8 in the church hall. There will be food, music, and games for children. Please join us!

For more information call Marquito at 312.226.6161. ext. 225.


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Illinois’ minimum wage workers

Wednesday we hosted a news conference at St. Pius V to draw attention to the need for better wages for Illinois workers. Governor Quinn was with us, and he called for a new minimum wage of $10.00. Currently a full-time minimum wage worker in Illinois makes around $16,600 annually, which is below the Federal Poverty Threshold of $17,916 for a family of three.

Along with Pope Francis, I’d like to ask how we can allow this to be. Continue reading

Campaign for Human Development Award for St. Pius V

     At the Catholic Campaign for Human Development awards banquet in October Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George praised St. Pius V for our “commitment to social justice and helping break the cycle of poverty” and service to victims of domestic violence. Receiving the $20,000 award with Fr. Brendan were husband and wife Gonzalo Aguilar and Caritina Temiquel, and Ramon Carreon, who along with his wife Elia was featured in a CCHD video for their inspiring story of healing from domestic violence. Click here to see the CCHD video and Elia and Roman.


Father Brendan Curran, OP, and St. Pius V parishioners receive CCHD award from Cardinal Francis George.

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The domestic violence service providers of the city of Chicago kicked off Domestic Violence Awareness Month with a noon rally at the Thompson Center Plaza downtown yesterday.

Dolores Tapia, Sister Virginia Jung, OSB,  and Fr. Brendan Curran, OP, of HOPE at St. Pius V family ministries shared the podium with Mayor Rahm Emanuel and leaders of the Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network, which coordinated the event.

The speakers called for more action to protect victims from

Rally participants dramatize domestic violence-related deaths in Chicago.

violence within their own homes and families, while Dolores and Sister Virginia shared the story of how St. Pius V Parish developed services for immigrant women victims, their children, and for other family members.

The rally included a procession of masked figures representing the 57 victims in Chicago who were murdered in domestic violence crimes in the past 18 months.

More information about the domestic violence programs at St. Pius V is available here.