St. Pius V Church part of Band’s Success

The Waukegan-based band, Grupo Espolon, has a new album out and their first music video features St. Pius V Church. Bajo tu manto, was taped at St. Pius V in November. The video is now available on YouTube.

“This exciting new band asked to tape their first music video at St. Pius V out of respect for all that we do for the immigrant community,” said the pastor, Father Brendan Curran, OP. “The song, under your mantle, in English, tells the story of how an elder taught a child the importance of remembering Mary’s love for the outcast and the immigrant. I’m pleased that we could help the band honor their love for Our Lady of Guadalupe in this way.”

St. Pius V Parish was founded to serve Irish immigrants in 1874 and has continued that tradition for more than 140 years. The parish ministries include an elementary school, after school program for youth, leadership training for teens, religious education, including a program for children with disabilities, and the largest parish-based domestic violence program in the country. Donors who wish to support the ministries of the parish can make a donation here.


Christmas Mass Schedule

Christmas and New Year Masses at St. Pius V Parish are scheduled as follows:
Mass at Midnight bilingual liturgy
Masses on Christmas Day:
9:15 am in Spanish
11:15 am in English
1:15 pm in Spanish

Two Masses are scheduled for New Year’s Day.
11:15 am in English
1:15 pm in Spanish

Masses for Sunday Dec. 28, the Feast of the Holy Family, will follow the regular Sunday schedule.
Spanish Mass at 9:15 am and 1:15, 4:30, and 6:30 pm
English Mass at 7:45 am and 11:15 am

“Christmas is the day we celebrate God’s gift of the Son, Jesus, who came among us to heal and bring peace to the world,” said Fr. Brendan Curran, pastor. “We look forward to welcoming our parish family and their guests throughout the Christmas holiday.”

Parish launches new logo

We are happy to introduce to you the new St. Pius V Parish logo! You will begin to see it used more frequently over the next few months as it becomes a part of our parish identity as an expression of our mission and community. Want to know more? Keep reading!

About the logo

Here at St. Pius V we fulfill the Gospel mission to bring good news to the poor and the oppressed with the help of the Holy Spirit who works within each of us and our faith community. The dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit and takes on the character of the parish. The Spirit bursts forth from within the community, carrying good news to all who will hear.

Within the dove is a spiral of deepening spiritual growth and personal transformation, hallmarks of the pastoral work of our parish. The tail feathers symbolize the waters of our Baptism, through which we are made one with Jesus Christ and one another.

The bright ring signifies our communion with the universal church, the community within which we work to build God’s reign on earth, and the always-present light of Christ.

“We’ve recognized for some time the need to update the image we use to tell the world who we are and what we do at St. Pius V,” said pastor Father Brendan Curran, OP. “This image captures the spirit of the parish and our mission to accompany God’s people as they grow in faith, strengthen their families and build the reign of God in the world.”

We hope you enjoy the life, energy, and color the new logo brings to us as much as we do. The design was created for us by Andy Kenny of Andy James Design who was generous in his commitment to the project. Thank you Andy!

Cosecha Auction Pre-view now online!

Curious about what you might see at the Celebrating the Harvest silent auction on October 25? Wonder no longer! Many of  our top items are available for preview right now!

And at midnight on October 10, authorized bidders will be able to pre-bid on select items as well.

Visit the auction site to see some of our top items, including choice seats at Blackhawks and Bulls games, great dining and entertainment experiences, spa packages, and more.

Check back frequently for additional items.

“I hope that the new online auction site will attract new friends to join us at Celebrating the Harvest,” said Fr. Brendan Curran, OP, St. Pius V’s pastor. “Proceeds from the auction support vital services that we provide to strengthen families with Catholic education, family counseling and domestic violence prevention, youth ministry, after school programs, and emergency food and shelter.”


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