Video Series: The Eucharist – Sacrament of Christ’s Incredible Love for Us

Dear Friends,

The amazing Catholic Faith that God has so generously given us contains inexhaustible mysteries that can be explored with great profit. We do well always to deepen our knowledge and love of these sacred mysteries. As the shutdown continues, we are excited to offer you an opportunity to explore the Faith more deeply together as a group ​via​ social media.

Our topic will be the Eucharist – the Sacrament of Christ’s incredible Love for us, and we will use a four-part video series that will form the basis of our discussions: once per week for four weeks. The Blessed Sacrament is the greatest Gift God has ever given us, and the more we unlock its treasures, the more our hearts can drink from the streams of grace that are hidden therein.

In order to access the video series, sign up for an account at ​​. (You will have free access for seven days; if you wish, you can continue for $10/month. A subscription gives you access to an incredible volume of Catholic material – bible studies, documentaries, movies, audio-dramas, e-books, ​etc.)​ The series we will study together is available in both English and Spanish. For English, click on ‘Programs’ then ‘Sacraments,’ and then select ​Presence: the Mystery of the Eucharis​t. For Spanish, click on ‘Español’ then ‘Programas,’ and then select ​Presencia: El Misterio de la Eucaristía​.

We will follow this schedule:

  • On ​Tuesday evening, May 26th, 8 – 9 pm​, we will have a group discussion of ​Session 1: God is With Us​. Please watch the video sometime ​before​ the discussion. Fr. Timothy will lead the discussion, and participants can ask questions or offer comments. The conversation will be bi-lingual. In order to join the discussion, use Whats-App and click on this link: ​​ (It might be easier to do so from the Whats-App website on your computer.)
  • On ​Tuesday, June 2nd​, 8 – 9 pm, we will discuss ​Session 2: The Story of the Eucharist​. (Again, please watch the video before the discussion. We will use the same conversation site in Whats-App from the previous week.)
  • On ​Tuesday, June 9th​, 8 – 9 pm, we will discuss ​Session 3: Bread for the Journey​. (Please watch the video before the discussion.)
  • On ​Tuesday, June 16th​, 8 – 9 pm, we will discuss ​Biblical Foundations with Dr. Tim Gray.​ (Please watch the video before the discussion.)

If you wish, you can also download the study guide. Those who do not wish to purchase a one-month subscription to FORMED can watch all four episodes in the free seven-day trial period. However, it would be advantageous to watch each episode the day before the discussion so that it is fresh in your memory. This is up to each individual.

As we continue to await the day when the Church can re-open, this study will give us an even greater appreciation for the treasure Christ has given us in the Blessed Sacrament; this way, when it is once again possible to attend Holy Mass, our hearts will receive the Eucharistic King with longing, love and joy.

God bless you, and know that you are in our prayers!

— The St. Pius Team

Plans to Re-Open Our Churches / Proceso para reabrir nuestras iglesias

Cardinal Cupich and the Archdiocese have issued guidelines for the re-opening of our churches. The priests of St. Pius V are developing a plan for our parish and will be releasing it very soon.

El Cardenal Cupich y la Arquidiócesis han promulgado instrucciones para la reapertura de nuestras iglesias. Los sacerdotes de San Pío V están preparando un plan para nuestra parroquia y lo publicaremos muy pronto.

The Cardinal’s letter is available here in English.

La carta del Cardenal se puede leer aquí en español.

The Cardinal also shares his message in this video:

Reflexión de P. Timothy para el Domingo de la Misericordia Divina / Reflection from Fr. Timothy for Divine Mercy Sunday

[This message is repeated below in English]

Una reflexión de P. Timothy Combs, OP, para el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia:

¡Bendita Pascua, queridos amigos!

Sí, durante ocho días completos ha permanecido la Pascua, y hoy es el último día de la Octava celebrando la resurrección de Cristo. En respuesta a una solicitud especial del Señor dada a Santa Faustina, este octavo día de Pascua también se conoce como el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia. De acuerdo con la sabiduría suprema de Cristo, hay una maravillosa congruencia entre el mensaje de la misericordia de Dios dado a través de Santa Faustina y el Evangelio para el segundo domingo de Pascua.

Cuando Jesús dio por primera vez el Sacramento de su cuerpo y sangre a los discípulos en la Última Cena, explicó que la razón por la que derramaría su Sangre era “para el perdón de los pecados”. En el Evangelio de hoy, cuando Cristo Resucitado se revela a los Apóstoles en esa primera tarde de Pascua, habiendo finalmente cumplido la misión de hacer posible el perdón de los pecados, ahora extiende a los Apóstoles la autoridad que acaba de comprar con su propia Sangre Preciosa: “Los pecados que perdonas son perdonados, y los pecados que retienes son retenidos”. Al levantarse de la tumba, la primera orden del día de Jesús fue instituir el Sacramento de la Reconciliación, para que la misión de la misericordia se pueda cumplir en y a través de la Iglesia. La razón por la que Jesús dio su vida y luego salió victorioso fue para que pudiéramos ser reconciliados por el poder de su Sangre en el Sacramento de la Confesión.

Mientras este sacramento no está disponible durante el cierre debido al virus, podemos preguntarnos: ¿he apreciado adecuadamente el precioso regalo que Jesús me ofrece en el sacramento de la reconciliación? ¿Le he mostrado gratitud a Jesús al aceptar este regalo, o lo he rechazado por alguna razón? Cuando el Sacramento vuelva a estar disponible, ¿le daré más importancia a aceptar este regalo regularmente? Al principio, Pedro se había negado a permitir que Jesús le lavara los pies, pero luego Jesús le dijo: “a menos que te lave, no puedes participar en mí”. Si deseamos compartir una profunda amistad con Cristo, debemos permitirle que lave regularmente nuestras almas sacramentalmente con el poder de limpieza y curación de su Preciosa Sangre.

Lo único más intenso que la necesidad del mundo de la Misericordia de Dios es el deseo de Cristo de otorgar esa Misericordia a todos los que la acepten. Los invito a buscar y leer más sobre las promesas que hizo Jesús a los que celebren el Domingo de la Divina Misericordia. Durante estos tiempos difíciles, el mensaje de la Divina Misericordia, el mensaje del Evangelio, es nuestra mayor fuente de esperanza y dicha.

 – p. Timoteo

A reflection from Fr. Timothy Combs, OP for the Sunday of Divine Mercy:

Blessed Easter, Dear Friends!

Yes, for a whole eight days it has remained Easter, today being the final day of the Octave celebrating Christ’s Resurrection.  In response to a special request from the Lord given to St. Faustina, this eighth day of Easter is also known as Divine Mercy Sunday.  In keeping with Christ’s supreme wisdom, there is a marvelous congruence between the message of God’s mercy given through St. Faustina and the Gospel for the 2nd Sunday of Easter.

When Jesus had first given the Sacrament of His Body & Blood to the disciples at the Last Supper, he explained that the reason his Blood would be shed was “so that sins may be forgiven.”  In today’s Gospel, when the Risen Christ reveals himself to the Apostles on that first Easter evening, having finally accomplished the mission to make possible the forgiveness of sins, He now extends to the Apostles the authority he has just purchased with his own Precious Blood:  “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven, and whose sins you retain are retained.” Upon rising from the grave, Jesus’ first order of business is to institute the Sacrament of Reconciliation, so that the mission of mercy can be fulfilled in and through the Church. The reason Jesus laid down his life and then rose victorious was so that we could be reconciled by the power of his Blood in the Sacrament of Confession.

Now that this Sacrament is unavailable during the shutdown due to the virus, we can ask ourselves:  Have I properly appreciated the unfathomable gift Jesus offers me in the Sacrament of Reconciliation?  Have I shown Jesus gratitude by accepting this gift, or have I refused it for some reason? When the Sacrament does become available again, will I make it more of a priority to accept this gift on a regular basis?  Peter at first had refused to allow Jesus to wash his feet, but then Jesus told him, “unless I wash you, you can have no part in me.” If we wish to share deep friendship with Christ, we must allow him regularly to wash our souls Sacramentally by the cleansing and healing power of his Precious Blood.

The only thing more intense than the world’s need for God’s Mercy is Christ’s desire to bestow that Mercy upon everyone who will accept it.  I invite you to look up and read more about the promises Jesus gave to those who will celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. During these difficult times, the message of Divine Mercy – the message of the Gospel – is our greatest cause for hope & rejoicing.

Fr. Timothy

Una reflexión de P. Timothy / A reflection from Fr. Timothy

[This message is repeated below in English]

Una reflexión de P. Timothy Combs, OP:

Queridos hermanos y hermanas:

¡Bendita Pascua! Hemos tenido ocasión en las últimas semanas para reflexionar más profundamente sobre la realidad de nuestra mortalidad. Aunque el virus ha cambiado nuestras vidas de muchas maneras, la amenaza de una posible muerte no es nueva: se cierne sobre cada persona en la tierra todos los días (aunque la mayoría de nosotros hacemos un buen trabajo en ignorarla o negarla). La gloriosamente buena noticia de este domingo de Pascua es: ¡Cristo luchó con la muerte y la derrotó! En un combate estupendo, misterioso e impresionante, ha vencido al antiguo enemigo. Hoy, nos dice a cada uno de nosotros: “No temas, yo soy el primero y el último, y el vivo; Morí, y he aquí que estoy vivo para siempre, y tengo las llaves de la Muerte y el Hades. (Apocalipsis 1:18)

La fe en el nombre de Jesús da a nuestros corazones acceso al mismo Espíritu Santo que resucitó a Cristo de los muertos. Y no es solo que Jesús nos da vida eterna. En un sentido fundamental, como le dijo a Marta, la hermana de Lázaro, “YO SOY la Resurrección y la Vida”. Cristo mismo, el Hijo de David, ES la misma sustancia de la vida sobrenatural que nuestras almas anhelan inexorablemente. Agradecidos por la fe que nos ha llevado a la comunión con este asombroso misterio, regocijémonos en la esperanza que brota de la promesa de Cristo.

Sin embargo, algo esencial falta esta Pascua. Mientras lamentamos la falta de disponibilidad de los sacramentos durante la cuarentena, somos especialmente conscientes de que la Eucaristía, el Pan de Vida, la carne viva del Hijo de Dios, es el don supremo por el cual Cristo comparte con nosotros su vida inmortal. “En verdad, en verdad te digo, a menos que comas el cuerpo del Hijo del hombre y bebas su sangre, no tienes vida en ti; el que come mi cuerpo y bebe mi sangre tiene vida eterna, y yo lo resucitaré en el último día “. (Juan 6: 53-54) Por lo tanto, permanecemos en una temporada de espera y anhelo, por la oportunidad de confesar nuestros pecados, para tener una conciencia limpia digna de recibir el Cuerpo y la Sangre de Nuestro Salvador Resucitado.

Mis amigos, no solo somos nosotros los que anhelamos. ¡Cristo Jesús anhela ansiosamente unirse sacramentalmente con los corazones que Él redimió con Su Preciosa Sangre! ¡Tiene sed de cada uno de ustedes personalmente! Este Señor que nos ama tan profundamente enviará su Espíritu Santo a cada corazón que lo reciba. Por lo tanto, le prometo que si viven esta temporada en oración, especialmente a través de la oración diaria del Rosario, el Espíritu Santo hará que este anhelo santo en sus corazones produzca frutos sobrenaturales para su santificación y la de sus seres queridos. Y esto es motivo de gran regocijo.

“Este es el día que hizo el Señor; ¡Alegrémonos y regocijémonos en el!”

Con oraciones por ustedes en esta Octava de Pascua,

P. Timothy

An Easter reflection from Fr. Timothy Combs, OP:

Dear Brothers & Sisters,

Blessed Easter! We have had occasion in recent weeks to ponder more deeply the reality of our mortality. Although the virus has changed our lives in many ways, the threat of possible death is not new – it hovers over every person on earth every day (although most of us do a good job of ignoring or denying it). The gloriously good news of this Easter Sunday is – Christ has wrestled with death and defeated it! In stupendous combat, mysterious and awesome, He has vanquished the ancient foe. Today, He says to each of us: “Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one; I died, and behold I am alive for evermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades.” (Rev 1:18)

Faith in the name of Jesus gives our hearts access to the same Holy Spirit Who raised Christ from the dead. And it is not only that Jesus gives us eternal life. In a fundamental sense, as he told Martha, the sister of Lazarus, “I AM the Resurrection and the Life.” Christ Himself, the Son of David, IS the very substance of supernatural life for which our souls inexorably yearn. Grateful for the faith that has led us into communion with this awesome mystery, let us rejoice in the hope that flows from Christ’s promise!

Yet, something essential is missing this Easter. As we lament the unavailability of the Sacraments during the quarantine, we are especially mindful that the Eucharist, the Bread of Life, the living flesh of the Son of God – is the supreme Gift whereby Christ shares with us His immortal Life. “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:53-54) Hence, we remain in a season of waiting and longing – for the opportunity to confess our sins, so as to have a clean conscience worthy of receiving the Body & Blood of Our Risen Savior.

My friends, it is not only we who long. Christ Jesus eagerly yearns to unite Himself sacramentally with the hearts He redeemed by His Precious Blood! He thirsts for each of you personally! This Lord who loves us so deeply will send His Holy Spirit into every heart that welcomes Him. So I promise you – if you live this season prayerfully – especially through the daily prayer of the Rosary – the Holy Spirit will cause this holy longing in your hearts to bear supernatural fruit for your sanctification and that of your loved ones. And this is cause for great rejoicing.

“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!”

With prayers for you this Octave of Easter,

Fr. Timothy